Baba Deep Singh Ji Shaheed

Baba Deep Singh Ji Shaheed
Dhan Dhan Baba Deep Singh Ji

Monday, May 3, 2010

Wake up Call

As a Sikh, the life and soul are immortal, only the attire, the body, perishes and a new life waits. So why fear? Sant Jarnail Singh ji Khalsa always said,’ Physical death I do not fear, death of conscience is sure death’’!

Being a Sikh should be an elevating and enriching factor of our life instead of making us feel embarrassed. Those who fear war get war and those who are ashamed at being what they are get nothing but shame from everyone. Never say yes when you ought to say no and never compromise on basic issues. That's what those who have an ideological commitment declare. Rest, simply pass time.

Today the need of hour is to live as Sikhs of Guru. We come to Gurudwaras not as Sikhs of guru but as individuals owing allegiance to someone else than Guru, we are not guided by Guru’s Matt but by what different people say. Today if we want to see what our Guru is actually saying, what actually is Guru’s path, we need to see the lives, jeevan of Gurmukhs who lived In Guru’s word! We need to see jeevan of Baba Deep Singh ji, Baba Mani Singh ji,Baba Buddha ji and try to live as they lived, inculcate in us the virtues of Sikhi they had in them. Sant ji used to say,’ A Sikh’s relation to Guru is same as of a word (Shabad) with its meaning (Arth)’’.Meaning(Arth) clarifies what the word is all about, Same way Life of a True Gursikh is nothing else but a physical manifestation of Guru’s word. To Follow Guru in His entirety, we need to put in practice what he tells us to do. Question here is, are we following words of our holy master? Are we looking upon his great gursikhs as our ideals to stand up in this world? Answer is No.
But unless we feel the pain deep down our hearts, nothing is going to change. So many people today have much enthusiasm, much passion for doing something, but there’s no one to guide. And the people who are today guiding our Panth and youngsters are themselves on a path which is very far from Guru’s Path. So what we should do in these times of mistrust, in this age of darkness where we don’t see any ray of hope, where there’s no light! Only way left, take the shelter of feet of True Lord, Guru Granth Sahib Ji. After much contemplation I came to a result, and that is, Sikh has no power to do anything related to Sikhi or Panth! Some may ask how I can say that. Answer is simple, Panth and Sikhi belong to Waheguru and Satguru, and they are themselves protectors and salvagers of Panth. They know what is best for their Panth. It’s like an elder of a family who wants to go on a Pilgrimage, and he wants his family, women of family, kids, business everything to be taken good care of! So what he’ll do, he’ll choose his most able son or daughter to lead the family in his absence. Same is the case with Sikhi, hundreds and thousands want to do something for Sikhi, but aren’t able to do so, simple reason being they haven’t been chosen by Guru. Because when somebody chosen by Guru takes command, he’s blessed by Guru to change time and rules, he attains power to vanquish traitors and demolish oppressors and tyrants. In Sikh history, Baba Banda Singh Bahadur, Sardar Jassa Singh Ahluwalia and Baba Sahib Singh Bedi are shining examples of this fact that when blessed souls, who have done kamaai of naam take charge, they change the flow of time! In modern times Sant Jarnail Singh ji’s example is here, how a person single-handedly can take a oppressive regime head-on and wake up a sleeping nation with his roar!
Not only has the general had to be chosen by Guru, but also the army! We Sikhs ,we feel much, we worry much, we get sad and depressed on present affairs of our nation, but do we do what we really have to do? No. we don’t! Isn’t this our duty to follow our guru’s commandments by heart? Isn’t it our duty to be vigilant against those people who are trying to plunder our rich history and our great Khalsa values? If we don’t stand up against beadbi of our Guru, our martyrs, our history, how can we hope that guru will be pleased with us, will bless us with Sikhi di sewa? Somebody comes to us and says there’s nothing called amrit, what we do?? Somebody comes and says Jaap sahib or Chaupai sahib or Raagmala is not Baani, what we do? If someone says Sikhs are part of Hindus, or we got our baana from some Hindu goddess, or Guru Gobind Singh ji worshipped Devi for creating Panth, what we do? What’s our reaction? What we feel deep inside us? Does something makes us feel restless and apprehensive from inside and says, NO, this is not right and I’ll speaka against this? If yes, it means you are alive, and if No, then in words of Sant Jarnail Singh ji, ’’Physical death I do not fear, Death of conscience is a sure death’’.
Today our enemies have targeted Guru Granth Sahib, Sri Dasam Granth Sahib, Our Rehat Maryada, Our Kakkars, our Age old Traditions, Our Martyrs. And what are we doing?? Just sleeping and doing nothing, waiting for a miracle to happen, but did Guru Gobind Singh Ji taught us to wait for miracles? Didn’t he teach us to stand up for truth, ideals, and sanctity of our Sikhi?? People come and say,Guru Arjan dev ji didn’t sit on red hot iron plate or Baba Deep Singh didn’t fight with his head on his palm,it’s a myth, what we do?? We sit and say nothing is going to happen if someone says that, but we have to understand, that it’s a process of slow-poisoning with an ultimate aim to give us a slow and steady death.
We, the Sikhs of Guru, today stand at very crucial juncture in human history, where if we stand united, with Guru’s word guiding us, we’ll be victors of world, and if we didn’t, only stories will remain, that once upon a time, Khalsa Panth walked on this earth, Panth of people with minds imbued in the name of lord Waheguru, with a shine in their eyes, the shine which awaited the beautiful death in the battlefield, so that they go to their Guru, heads held high. World will only have stories of a set of people who were cut from limbs, sawed and boiled alive, had their scalps removed and children burnt alive in fire, why? To uphold the ideals of truth, to stand up against tyranny and injustice, to create a social order where every person can live his life with freedom, where equality and justice reign supreme. It was Panth’s goal and it still is, set by Guru himself to create a society where mind is without fear, where every person walks, head held high with self-esteem! Where Guru’s word guides humanity how to live!
Panth was created on principle of one. Our Lord Waheguru is one, Our Guru is one, our flag is one, our rules are one, but today we stand divided, direction less, and aimless. We are doing what we are doing, without caring what the results will be. And each one of us is trying to prove other a fool, novice and anti-Sikh. Today the battle is ideological being fought by ill-equipped warriors of different hues. Some understand it a personal play and keep their organizations, their jathas a private limited corporate business. We care for Group more than Guru. We speak out at top of our voices, even to the extent of physical showdowns, if somebody says wrong about our group or Group leaders, but never ever we have spoken or come to resist beadbi of Holy Satguru or Shaheeds of Satguru. And then we call ourselves as his Sikhs.
Remember, Guru blesses those who come to him as Sikhs, as learners, as disciples , we have to come to our guru leaving our personal commitments, ideologies behind, with only love of Guru as our guiding light ,and we’ll be blessed. Whole life of Sikh is about learning, Sikhi is to be practiced at a physical, mental and spiritual level. Guru’s word has to go deep in our consciousness, to awaken it, to enlighten it, so that we live in that light and with Guru’s kirpa, have the ability to bring people living in darkness into light of Shabad! Only then will be a Kingdom of Peace, Kingdom of Guru Arjun Dev’s dreams will be established on this earth, which my Satguru named as ‘’Halemi Raj’’!
Lets do ardas in front of Satguru ji, may he bless all with Bibek Buddhi (divine knowledge), Baani, Naam-ras and bless us to be foot soldiers of this Holy Mission of creating Halemi Raaj, so that whole of humanity can live peacefully, eternally in His Holy Presence!

Akaal Ji Sahai.

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