People who are spewing venom against Baani of Guru Gobind Singh ji maharaj with mischievous reasons claim to be TRUE Sikhs of Guru Granth sahib ji. They label their anti-panthic propaganda as a Movement for respect of Guru Granth Sahib ji Maharaj and Ten Gurus. But truth is something else, their own writings and deeds expose their hidden intentions. These people actually don’t have any love or respect for Guru Granth Sahib ji or Ten Gurus or Sikh History or traditions. These people should not be called even Sikhs! They are not! They are all Perverts, Agents, Cats, communists , RSS, all mixed up with one common mission- Finish Sikhi!
We’ll do some vichaar on their claims of fighting for respect of Guru Granth Sahib ji, that how much they actually love Guruji and also about those whom they portray as Anti-Panthic, Dasam granthis and bahmanvaadi. After that it’ll not be tough to comprehend who realyy Loves and respects Guru Granth Sahib ji.
1. Anti-Dasam baani people don’t believe Guru Granth Sahib ji to be ‘’Jaagdi Jot’’-Living Guru. They believe it just to be a Holy Book, but so do radhaswamis, narkdharis, Noormehlia, and Hindu Sants like Asaram bapu, morari bapu and Arya Samaj. So whats the difference?
2. They don’t believe in the maryada of Sewa of Guru Granth Sahib ji,i.e Parkash, Sukh-asan,Rumalle, Chaur Sahib etc.
3. They refuse to accept that Guru Gobind Singh ji Maharaj gave Gurugaddi to Guru Granth Sahib ji in 1708.
4. They have claimed to find ‘Mistakes’ in language and grammer of Guru Granth Sahib ji.
5. They doubt Sanctity and purity of Guru granth Sahib ji and
don’t believe in sampooran Guru Granth Sahib ji, but claim instead that Guruji’s Baani has been mixed-up i.e Raagmaala and some Bhatt and Bhagat Baani. (Those who doubt Guru Granth Sahib ji can not be hoped to respect dasam guru’s baani.)
6. They don’t believe Updesh of Baani to be Timeless and Universal, instead they claim that some shabads were practical for the time when they were actually composed, not in today’s date i.e Shabads like ‘’ Naroo mare Nar Kaam na aave’’ and ‘Anth kaal jo lachmi simre’.
7. These people have for decades rejected puritan Taksali arths of Baani as Bahmanvaadi, instead claimed arths of Prof. Sahib singh ji to be real and true arths of Baani, but now these people have thrown out Prof. Sahib singh also from their group, as he’s now useless for them( because he believed in Dasam Baani). They now claim his arths also to be inappropriate and incomplete and ‘Anti-Gurmat’.
8. Recently In Harimandir sahib and Akaal takhat sahib there were incidents where some RSS inspired people had committed blasphemous acts like sitting on Guruji’s Aasan and throwing acid on Guru Granth Sahib ji. At that time it was people like Bhai Amrik Singh ji ( Taksali and Bahmanvaadi according to them)and Bhai Gurnaam Singh ji who had taken action against them, and in the process cases were registered against Bhai Amrik Singh ji. But these so called ‘’real Sikhs’ were no where to be seen.
9. Sarna, head of Delhi Gurudwara management Committee, sent Saroops of Guru Granth Sahib ji to foreign countries in Containers of Ships. These People didn’t say a word, how could they have? Because it’s this very Gaddar Sarna who’s providing them logistical, economic and political support (he’s a congressman and near to Gandhi family) for their anti-panthic activities.
10. Darshan lal visited Hazoor sahib scores of times before 2007, but he never raised the issue of Sri Dasam Granth Sahib ji’s Parkash, but when whole Panth was to celebrate 300th Gurta-gaddi Diwas of Guru Granth Sahib ji he raked up this pointless issue. The time, the fervor, which was to be used to unite Sikhs under the Guruship of Guru Granth Sahib ji, to educate and bring back Sikhs who had become worshipers of dehdhaari Pakhandis was lost in internal-conflict.
11. Never once have these anti-Dasam baani nindaks stood up for honour of Guru Granth Sahib ji, never spoken a word against deh-dhaari Pakhandis, confronted them, instead they called Sikhs who had gone to stop Noormehlia Ashutosh on 5th December in Ludhiana as ‘kids of RSS’. Shame on Nindaks!
The list of ninda is very long. These people have no faith in Waheguru, Ten gurus, Guru Granth Sahib ji, Sikh history, traditions. They don’t even believe in Aatma (Soul).
How can these people be called Faithful Sikhs?
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