Baba Deep Singh Ji Shaheed
Saturday, June 12, 2010
The Pain of my Heart - 1
26 years have passed, when Sri Akaal Takhat sahib was demolished, walls of Sri Harimandir sahib were pierced with 360 bullets, 220 Saroops of Guru Granth Sahib ji were burnt, 7000 innocent Sikh pilgrims were massacred in Darbar Sahib complex. Operation Woodrose unleashed in rural Punjab took lives of 15,000 Amritdhari sikh youth between age 15-35 so that they are not able to become part of any planned revolution. 75,000 Sikhs armed with Guns, swords, sticks and other weapons moved to defend Darbar sahib and stand with Sant Jarnail singh ji and Sikh warriors defending Akaal Takhat. They were fired upon by Army at various places by Helicopter gunships, Tanks and firing squads. Eyewitness accounts place Sikh causalities at around 20,000. All in all, 42000 Sikhs died in these 5 days of 4-8 June 1984. This was 4th Sikh holocaust.
Today after 26 years when we look back at the happenings of that time, we see Panth still standing at same place where it was 26 years back. So much happened afterwards, Khalistan was declared on 26th Jan 1986 by Panj Piaras, freedom fighter groups like KLF, KCF and BTF were formed to fight for Independence. Political leaders like Maan were given authority and power by Sikhs to fight a political battle. Fake encounters, extra-judicial killings, rapes, massacres, tortures and kidnappings of Sikh youth became a daily feature in Punjab. After 2, 50,000 Shaheeds and 26 long years, we still stand where we were before Sant ji appeared on scene.
Just stop for a while and look back where we failed? And do the reasons responsible for our failure still exist?
I would say yes. We failed because we did not unite at the time of attack, we failed because we didn’t unite during the movement and we failed because we didn’t abide by bachans of the Mahapurakh who was authorised to lead The Panth by Our General Sant Jarnail Singh ji Khalsa.
Today, the problems, the divisions, the controversies, the bickerings in the Panth have taken a dangerous shape. There is nothing such as love, humility, respect or Ekta left. This is not the Panth Guru Gobind Singh ji dreamt of. This is not the Panth millions of Shaheeds gave their life for. This is not the Panth which was to create Kingdom of Peace (Halemi raaj) on this planet. Why have we become so divided and narrow minded? Why have we lost respect for each other? Why have we lost respect for Mahapurakhs of Panth who dedicated their whole lives for sewa and Charhdi kala of Panth?
There are issues of Dasam Baani, Raagmala, Amrit, Nitnem, Ardas, Kakkars, Takhats and political upmanship. Who created these issues in us? Who took these issues to the level of bloody fights in Panth? Who has brought us in such a position that there is no chance of any rapprochement and Unity? Panth stands badly bruised and hurt today, and then we say we’ll fulfil the dreams of Shaheeds! Will we fight for our Shaheeds this way? Will we create Kingdom of Peace like this? We, the peace less people will never be able to do anything until we learn from our past mistakes and unite. Learn something from Israel. In Second World War, 6 million Jews were butchered in gas chambers by Hitler. In 1946, after the war was over, Jews from around the world united with one Mission-‘’People less land for landless people’’. With their visionary and dedicated leadership, they created a home for themselves in world and are still surviving in most dangerous of conditions.
Where do we stand? Sant Jarnail Singh ji Khalsa united whole Panth under One Nishan. There were forces which tried to stop him, finish him, bring him down but he, with his single-minded dedication continued to serve Panth and always tried his best to avert blood bath between Sikhs on petty issues. People called him coward, Agent of Congress, fool and so much, but he didn’t speak with anger or hatred to any fellow Sikh who was part of Panthic struggle. He tried his best to maintain unity in Panth and always was successful in doing so. That’s why he’s called Greatest Sikh and Sant-Sipahi.
But just look at what the people, who claim to follow him and claim to believe in his ideology are doing? Is there any unity in Panth today? There are people and groups who have made Sant ji as their icon, just for bread-butter, but simply refuse to follow his ideals or principles. There are people who’ll put up his pictures, banners and posters, but will refuse to believe in Dasam Baani or Puratan Panthic maryada, calling it Bahmanvaad! There are groups and Jathas, who have made Taksal bashing a primary source of their existence. They exist on hatred towards Taksal of Sant Jarnail Singh ji, whom they claim to believe in and don’t miss a chance to use his name. These groups haven’t done ANYTHING for Panth or achieved anything for Panth in last 26 years, but don’t miss a chance to label Taksali Singhs as cowards and RSS agents. They are ready to fight for putting label of Shaheed with Sant ji, but not ready to do something so that dream of Sant ji or Shaheed Singhs is fulfilled. Their Khalistan struggle is all centred on propaganda against Singhs and Groups who believe in Sant ji’s Charhdi kala. They don’t feel sad or bad while labelling their own brothers as RSS agents, cowards, cats and so much; just because we believe in Sant ji’s Charhdi kala, but they themselves haven’t done anything for Panth in last 26 years. I met a person who said you are cowards and agents because you claim Sant ji is in Charhdi kala. I said brother, we, those who believe in his charhdi kala, number at around 50,000 over the world. Leave us 50,000 people, why don’t rest of 24.9 million Sikhs do anything? It’s ok if we are cowards or agents, but what have those, who claim Sant ji to be Shaheed, done for Panth? Why haven’t you people started a military or political struggle in Punjab to fulfil dreams of Shaheed Singhs? Why these so many groups and Jathas and Dals have been unable to create a leader like Sant Jarnail Singh ji Khalsa in last 26 years, who’ll unite the Panth and take it on Path of freedom? I said brother, stop fighting over this issue, why don’t we just unite and do something for Panth? Why don’t we join hands and do something that will take us on Path of Freedom and Charhdi kala? If Sant ji is your idol, he’s mine too, let’s unite under Nishan Sahib, do parchar for Sikhi, educate youth about Santji’s ideology and Shaheeds of Panth. I ask one thing, is this debate so important as to push your brothers away from you and make them your enemies? Why dont you do what you feel is good for Panth and let us do what we think is good. After all, it was Sant Jarnail Singh ji himself, who told us to believe in Bachans of Baba Thakur Singh ji. What crime are we doing if we are obeying orders of our General?
There is so much to write, and I will write, because some things need to be cleared. Some people say, One man can not do anything, so stop waiting for Him. Read sikh history, Baba Banda Singh was just one man, who demolished Mughal empire. Sant Jarnail Singh was just One man, who single-handedly took on brutal government of India and changed the course of History. Those blessed souls, who have Guru’s Naam and baani in their hearts, who have Guru with them are capable of doing anything and everything. Always One Man leads and others follow him. Then only wars are won, empires are created. And it’s a bitter truth that after 6 June 1984, till today, millions were and are ready to walk behind, but the one blessed soul who’ll lead is Gupt. Hundreds tried to take his place, claiming to be Leaders of Panth, but no one was or is like that One Sant Jarnail Singh ji. If you know some one,who you think is capable of taking Sant ji's place, has the charisma and will power and love for Guru and Panth like him, please do let me know!
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